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Virginia McKnight Binger Heart of Community Honor


Celebrating people who are the pulse of Minnesota’s caring and connected communities.

For nearly four decades, the McKnight Foundation has honored individuals who have had a significant impact on the state of Minnesota and its communities but who have not been widely recognized for their work in the past. This year, the McKnight Foundation is excited to announce a revamped awards program, increasing the number of awards to recognize more individuals across distinct regions of the state and a refreshed name: The Virginia McKnight Binger Heart of Community Honor.  

Virginia Mcknight headshot

The honor is named for Virginia McKnight Binger, the Foundation’s first board chair and the only daughter of McKnight’s founders. Mrs. Binger passed away in 2002, and this award helps us remember and celebrate her enduring legacy of compassion, humility, and generosity. 

In partnership with the Minnesota Council of Foundation, the Virginia McKnight Binger Heart of Community Honor celebrates seven everyday champions from across the state whose compassion and contributions serve as the heartbeat of our communities, inspiring others to join in creating a more caring and connected state. 

Originally called the Virginia McKnight Binger Awards in Human Service and later the Unsung Hero Awards, the honor has recognized 319 people since it was first presented in 1985. 



39Years of celebrating individuals in Minnesota

326Honorees since 1985

$2.32MIn awards

Zenebech Aly

Zenebech Aly

Naima Dhore

Naima Dhore

Yoke-Sim Gunaratne

Yoke-Sim Gunaratne

Lynn Mizner

Lynn Mizner

Kevin Reese

Kevin Reese

Aida Simon

Aida Simon

Eman Yassin

Eman Yassin



Zenebech Aly
Naima Dhore
Yoke-Sim Gunaratne
Lynn Mizner
Kevin Reese
Aida Simon
Eman Yassin

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Jessalyn Akerman-Frank
Natasha Kingbird
Julie Malyon
Abdirahman (Abdi) Mukhtar

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Pat Castellano
Arlen Johnson
HaoPay Lee
Carol Mulroy

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Ruth Evangelista
Richard Howell
KingDemetrius Pendelton
Rawhi Said

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ፓቲ ባልላን
ሊዛ Bellanger
ዴራሊን ኮል
ሃኒ ጃኮብሰን

ተጨማሪ እወቅ


Shanene Herbert
Jamil Jackson
Shirley Nordrum
Patti Reibold

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Joe Day
Memoona Ghani
Carol Orban
Wynfred Russel

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Angela Edwards
Jon Vang
Abdirizak Mahboub
Millicent Simenson

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ዲቦራ ጂንግ-ስታይን
ኮርሽ ላካን
ቃሚር ሳዲቅ ሰዱድ
ዶ / ር አርርን ቪያኖ

ተጨማሪ እወቅ


Tom Johnson
Wilbur Neushwander-Frink
Mary Powell
Robianne Schultz

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Brenda Anderson
Barbara Fabre
Liz Kuoppala
Juan Linares
Susan Neis
Melissa Eagle Uhlmann

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Sunny Chanthanouvong
Brian Mogren
Kim Randolph
Fatima Said
Cheryl Steeves
Ernesto Velez Bustos

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Mary Farley
Ibrahim Hussein
Diane Kinney
Cheryl Meld
Gino Nelson
Gada Roba

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Jeff Corey
Joan Jarvis Ellison
Joani Essenburg
Sy Vang Mouacheupao
Fartun Osman
Helen Skutley

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Abdi Ali
Jerry Fleischaker
Dan Hunt
Peg Johnson
Cynthia Mcarthur
Berlyn Staska

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Nancy Guenette
Mohamed Hassan Osman
Ken Porwoll
John Poupart
Linda Riddle
Renee Tomatz

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Ibrahim Ayeh
Isaac Combs
Robin & Starla Krause
Jimmy Longoria
Patricia Melody
Steve O’Neil

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Ada Beh
Johanna Christianson
Virginia Clark
Bernice Cowl Gordon
Charlnitta Ellis
Rachel Kincade
Darcy Knight
Barbara Lewis
Mary F. Nelson
Mark Ochu

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Dee Cotten
May Pa Heu
Russ Irvin
Shegitu Kebede
Sarah Mollet
Vivian Peterson
Erik Rodriguez
Jim Soderberg
Jodi Townsend
Patrick Wood

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Said Salah Ahmed
Linda Brown
Wafiq Fannoun
Melvin Giles
Ora Hokes
Beth Holger
Curtis Levang
Larry & Noreen Luck
Sister Jean Thuerauf
Hedwidge “Hedy” Tripp

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James Andre
Elsie Dugar
Mahmoud El-Kati
Donna Gillen
Mary Gnerer
Daniel Hawkins
Rayome Clark Koehler
Mary Maas
Margaret Mcbride
Christine Norton
Kay Trainor
Carol Voss

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Cal Appleby
James Dodge
Jayne Frank
Linda Jemison
Cindy Johnson
Nathaniel Khaliq
Nancy Meyers
Rajiv Shah
John Siegfried
Char Thompson

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Andrew Benjamin
Martha Cardenas
Bonham Cross
Mohamed Essa
Ann Hooley
Jacqueline Kavanagh
Ed & Fern Ostberg
Ron Schwartz
Margaret Smith
Gail Weigle

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Susan Baxter
George Failes
Bertha Givins
Maria Inés Hitateguy
Barb King
Marge Melich
Kristine Reiter
Muriel Simmons
V.J. Smith
Sang Vu

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Jean Andrews
Melvin Carter Jr.
Sylvia Carty
Richard Endres
John & Julie Funari
Hazel Jacobson
Raleigh Kent
George Nelsen
Delroy Schoenleben
Manuel Zuniga

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Henry Bruns
Ernesto Delvillar Sr.
Marcelle Diedrich
Darlene Edwards
Denise Gubrud & Margarita Reese
Phoenix Hill
Geraldine Hull
Ardis Knutson
Yako Myers
Joyce Segelbaum


Christine Barich
Dawn Glaser-Falk
Joe Huber
Michael Kirk
Kevin L. Perez Rodriguez
Edwin Reich
Scott Schlaffman
Choua “Mindy” Thao
Georgeanna Toftum
Clorasteen Wilson


Marjory Aldrich
Jim Christy
Dianne Kimm
Allan Law
Sue Liedl
Larry Cloud Morgan
William Radueg
Raeann Ruth
Frankie & Velma Tyson
Peggy Wells


Vivian Blount
Cynthia Hawkins
Gregory Horan
Dale Hulme
Joe Lagarde
Percy & Lillian Olson
Joan Peterson
Jody Porter
Dave Ronning
Georgia Theis


Laurice Beaudry
Dianne Binns
Leonard Gloeb
Fran Heitzman
Algjuan Hixon
Bruce Lubitz
Mary Robillard
Bill Rowe
Pat Schwartz
Jamie Slattery


John Bobolink
Lori Ellis Boswell
Bill Driscoll
Janet Gostanczik
Shirley Ellen Jensen
Art Johnson
James Francis Kelly
Katherine G. King
Forrest R. Osterholm
Fred Rupp


Eileen Bohn
Francisco Caballero
Sandra Gessler
Frank R. Johnson
David Lund
Don Mooney
Tyrone Smith
Art Stoeberl
Sheila Whiteeagle
Eleanore Whitmyre


Peggy Holmes Bellecourt
Dorothy Bilheimer
Jane Blattner
Eugene Chelberg
Dr. Kenneth And Grace Covey
Dorothy Haynes
Norma Schleppegrell
Roger & Donna Urbanski
Quang Vu
Glen Wilfong


Ruby Alexander
Dan Celentano
Cheryl Ford
Muriel Gaines
Patrick Hartigan
Tri Dinh Nguyen
Phillip Sayers
Sister Leanore Stanton
John Stone
Diane Williams


Ruby Alexander
Dan Celentano
Cheryl Ford
Muriel Gaines
Patrick Hartigan
Tri Dinh Nguyen
Phillip Sayers
Sister Leanore Stanton
John Stone
Diane Williams


David L. Asmus
Lois V. Boylan
Ron Cronick
Phyllis Gross
Loeung Khi
Dana Lehrer
Sister Charlotte A. Madigan
William O’Connell
Leo Treadway
Diane Ziegler


Jewell Anderson
Willard A. Brunelle
Dollie D. Foster
Carol Lafavor
Kwame Mcdonald
Rosita Meehan
Marvin S. Moe
Anastasia Sery
Ray Wilson
Winona Wilson


Robert L. Buckley
Linda Byrne
Mary Jo Copeland
Kathy J. Davis
John Fields
Sandra Huff
Mazi E. Johnson
Lou Anne Kling
Norma P. Mcduffie
Pat Schmidgall


Barbara J. Colhapp
San Juana Flores
Bernice E. Genereux
Flo Golod
Louise T. James
Maxine M. Kruschke
Robert Russell
Dana Lee Shato
Vernell Wabasha
Dellie Walz


Ruth G. Andberg
Laurie Colbeck
Alieene Davis
Juanita G. Espinosa
Debra Jones
Elaine La Canne
Grace L. Sandness
Lucille T. Silk
Connie Strandberg
Justina Violette


Robert L. Buckley
Linda Byrne
Mary Jo Copeland
Kathy J. Davis
John Fields
Sandra Huff
Mazi E. Johnson
Lou Anne Kling
Norma P. Mcduffie
Pat Schmidgall


Barbara J. Colhapp
San Juana Flores
Bernice E. Genereux
Flo Golod
Louise T. James
Maxine M. Kruschke
Robert Russell
Dana Lee Shato
Vernell Wabasha
Dellie Walz
