የ Acadian Sustainable Global Equity Fund uses quantitative modelling and fundamental insights to identify socially responsible global equity stocks and reduce exposure to carbon intensive companies. The strategy uses natural language processing to gain insights on the range of climate disclosure and other unstructured data. This allows Acadian to craft climate-aware strategies for their clients and add differentiated environmental, social and governance (ESG) signals to their systematic model to enhance return forecasts.
$100 million; originated in August 2022
Our seed investment in Acadian’s Sustainable Global Equity Strategy diversifies our public equity portfolio, creates additional exposure to value, and augments our approach to mission alignment. This strategy will help McKnight reach our commitment to achieving a Net Zero endowment by 2050 or sooner—with weighted average carbon intensity more than 30% below a 2020 benchmark baseline and with a net zero glidepath to 2050 or sooner.
MSCI World Index
Too early to evaluate.
ትምህርቶች ተምረዋል
ሪፖርት ለማድረግ በጣም ትንሽ ነው.
የኃላፊነት ማስተባበያ: የ McKnight ተቋም ማንኛውንም የንግድ ምርቶች, ሂደቶች, ወይም የአገልግሎት አቅራቢዎች አይደግፍም ወይም አያበረታምም.
Last updated 10/2022