ወደ ይዘት ዝለል
8 ደቂቃ ተነቧል

Celebrating Asian American Pacific Islanders in Minnesota

Honoring Our Diverse AAPI Grant Partners

During this time of increased xenophobia targeting Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders—and at all times—we stand in solidarity with AAPI communities here in Minnesota and across the nation. We grieve those who lost their lives in the Atlanta area and support all who have experienced racial trauma and fear.

Philanthropy has a role to play in better understanding the pressures that our diverse AAPI communities face, in amplifying AAPI perspectives, and in investing in their leadership. We at McKnight are committed to doing these better in Minnesota and beyond.

We need to do more than #StopAsianHate. We need to celebrate Asian American joy, support Asian artists, organizations, and businesses, and listen to Asian voices. Through a new social media content series we’re calling #CelebrateAAPI, we will shine a light on the many Asian American Pacific Islander organizations McKnight has the privilege to have as grant partners in Minnesota. We honor these community leaders for their ingenuity and their many contributions that make our state a better place to call home.

Follow #CelebrateAAPI through our ፌስቡክትዊተር, እና LinkedIn pages and join the conversation.

ጥምረት ለእስያ አሜሪካ መሪዎች

የእስያ አሜሪካን መሪዎች ጥምረት is a social justice network of leaders with a mission to harness our collective power to improve the lives of community by connecting, learning, and acting together.

የፓንገር ዓለም ቲያትር

Pangea illuminates the human condition, celebrates cultural differences, and promotes human rights by creating and presenting international, multi-disciplinary theater.

ራኬ ሺዮ

2015 McKnight Distinguished Artist ራኬ ሺዮ is an internationally recognized, award-winning Japanese Canadian playwright, stage director, artistic director, and taiko artist.

የሃምንግ የአሜሪካ ገበሬዎች ማህበር

HAFA advances the prosperity of Hmong American farmers through cooperative endeavors, capacity building, and advocacy.

በእስለርፓፕ ውስጥ የእስያ አሜሪካውያን / የፓሲፊክ ደሴት ነዋሪዎች

AAPIP is a national membership organization dedicated to expanding and mobilizing philanthropic and community resources for underserved AAPI communities to build a more just and equitable society.

ቲያትር ሙ

ቲያትር ሙ produces great performances born of arts, equity, and justice from the heart of the Asian American experience.


CAPI USA connects immigrants, refugees, and US-born persons of color with the resources they need to thrive.

የሄጎን ጥበብ እና ተሰጥኦ ማዕከል

CHAT exists to nurture, explore, and illuminate the Hmong American experience through artistic expressions.

ራኒ ራማስሳሚ

2011 McKnight Distinguished Artist ራኒ ራማስሳሚ has been a choreographer, performer, and teacher of Bharatanatyam, the classical dance of South India, in the Twin Cities since 1978.

ታይኮአርትስ መካከለኛ ምዕራብ

ታይኮአርትስ መካከለኛ ምዕራብ provides our community with high quality taiko performances, supports taiko artists, and strengthens and builds community through taiko.

Hmong American Partnership

Hmong American Partnership’s mission is to empower the community to embrace the strengths of our cultures while achieving our potential.

Ragamala Dance Company

Ragmala is a pioneering, woman-led, family-run organization driven by a quest for artistic excellence. Through the South Indian dance form of Bharatanatyam, Ragamala’s work—on stage, in the community, and educating the next generation—exemplifies the intercultural identity of millions.

ዊንግ ያንግ ሂዩ

With his powerful photography and compelling public art projects, 2018 McKnight Distinguished Artist ዊንግ ያንግ ሂዩ has been documenting Minnesota’s changing cultural landscape for more than 30 years in images that ask us to focus on people and places that are often overlooked

የእስያ ኢኮኖሚ ልማት ማህበር

AEDA’s mission is to increase economic opportunities for Asian Americans. They envision vibrant diverse neighborhoods infused with the richness of Asian American cultures and leadership.

Hmong Cultural Center

Hmong Cultural Center provides community outreach activities related to multicultural education for the purposes of promoting positive race relations in the Twin Cities community.

ካታ የዳንስ ቲያትር

ካታ የዳንስ ቲያትር creates, performs and educates through the art forms of dance, music, poetry and storytelling. Rooted in Kathak, the classical dance style of North India, KDT is dedicated to making dance accessible, inclusive and relevant.

ርዕስ የብዝሃነት እኩልነት እና ማካተት

March 2021
