Our grants database features organizations from the past five years. It is updated on a quarterly basis about a month after board approval.
Please select a complete date range to view your search results.
Arts & Culture
for general operating support
Arts & Culture
for general operating support
Other Grantmaking
for general operating support - Montpelier works to tell a complete history of America and has made a public commitment to achieving structural parity in its governance with descendants of people enslaved on the site.
Other Grantmaking
for general operating support
Arts & Culture
for general operating support of an organization that develops original theater pieces with a group of local artists
Arts & Culture
for general operating support
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support energy system transformation in Iowa and the creation of a data tool to support optimal siting of clean energy projects on working lands
Midwest Climate & Energy
to tackle climate change across Iowa and Minnesota by sparking energy system transformation and developing natural climate solutions to drive inclusive conversations and meaningful impact
Other Grantmaking
to conduct a media landscape analysis for Minnesota in order to determine the availability of trusted, culturally competent news sources for underrepresented communities
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
for general operating support
Other Grantmaking
to improve life outcomes for boys and men of color
Arts & Culture
for general operating support and to support 20th Anniversary activities
Arts & Culture
for general operating support
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support data collection, resource development, and media engagement around the impacts of the solar industry in Minnesota
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
for general operating support, and for website redesign to enhance communication capacity
Arts & Culture
for general operating support - The Urban Village amplifies the work of Minnesota's Knyaw and Karenni artists and culture bearers through material support, platform creation, advocacy, validation, and leveraging their institutional network.
Arts & Culture
for general operating support
Arts & Culture
for general operating support
Arts & Culture
for general operating support - Theatre B is a small artist-led theater in Moorhead, MN that has created an artistic home for established and emerging artists, while offering opportunities for audiences to engage with stimulating topics.
Arts & Culture
for general operating support
Arts & Culture
for general operating support - Theatre Latte-Da creates new musical theater and is one of only a few theaters in the country dedicated solely to presenting innovative musical theater.
Arts & Culture
for general operating support
Arts & Culture
for general operating support
Other Grantmaking
to support the dissemination of findings related to gun violence prevention policies
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
for the Above and Beyond fund to channel immediate and additional emergency grant support to grassroots partners amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
Arts & Culture
for general operating support - Threads seeks to be a national organization that betters humanity through dance, education, and outreach.
Arts & Culture
for general operating support
Arts & Culture
to acquire a physical performance space
Midwest Climate & Energy
to build the organization’s capacity apply for state and federal funds to green their buildings and deploy renewable energy projects
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
to deliver a program to prepare and encourage women and people of color from the region to become knowledgeable, motivated, and supported investment leaders building investment firms in the next 1-3 years
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support organizing efforts in Michigan that lead to polices that support safe, secure, and clean built housing
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support environmental justice policy advocacy, education, and community engagement in the Twin Cities
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
to support a scholarship program for the 22nd Century Conference in Minneapolis
Midwest Climate & Energy
to address climate change through an environmental justice lens in Minneapolis, and to launch a community-informed policy framework
Other Grantmaking
to support the Minneapolis NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner (Unit 4050B)
Midwest Climate & Energy
to build capacity for climate education and mobilization plans in the Midwest
Other Grantmaking
to continue building power in vulnerable communities of the Midwest through the Movement Voters Fund
Midwest Climate & Energy
to build capacity for climate education and mobilization plans in the Midwest
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support a just transition from reliance on fossil fuels to a sustainable economy and an equitable society
Midwest Climate & Energy
to build capacity for education and mobilization plans in the Midwest
Other Grantmaking
to support dialogue journalism and solutions journalism efforts in Greater Minnesota
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
to support Shades of Purple: Dialogue across difference launch in greater Minnesota, including bridging events with moderated conversation on important, difficult topics and a follow-up podcast featuring moderate voices and civil engagement
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
to scale the capacity of the Oyate Leadership Network, a network of collaborative, intergenerational Indigenous leadership grounded in the collective knowledge, talents, and wisdom of American Indians living in Minnesota, and for general operating support
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Shaping policies for an agroecological food system transformation
Arts & Culture
for general operating support - Tofte Lake Center supports artists by providing a nurturing experience rooted in nature where artists of all disciplines and backgrounds feel safe to take a break from the work of art to be rejuvenated.
Other Grantmaking
to engage the surrounding community to advance a larger district system which other parcels/properties could then connect to
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
for general operating support - TREND Community Development Corporation strengthens urban neighborhoods through inclusive economic development by revitalizing urban commercial corridors and closing the racial wealth gap.
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Transforming Rural Food Systems in West Africa by Processing to Improve Markets and Nutrition, and Reinforce Resilience of Local Communities
Arts & Culture
for general operating support and for capital support - TU Dance draws from diverse dance expressions to connect communities with transformational possibilities that bring to life our shared humanity.
Arts & Culture
for general operating support
Other Grantmaking
to build capacity and expand a Special Purpose Credit Program (SPCP) to increase Black homeownership in the Twin Cities and regionally in alignment with the GroundBreak Coalition
Other Grantmaking
for general operating support in recognition of Habitat for Humanity’s contribution to the GroundBreak coalition’s work groups
Arts & Culture
for creating support structures for professional development, peer connection and collaboration, that enables BIPOC artists to embed new narratives, advocate for support, and thrive as working artists; and to develop a business plan
Arts & Culture
to support media artists from marginalized communities, including women, to thrive as working artists
Other Grantmaking
for general operating support - TPT is a multi-platform, public service media organization that provides free and universal access to news and information for all Minnesotans.
Other Grantmaking
for general operating support
Other Grantmaking
for general operating support
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Inclusive Learning, Co-creation and Sharing of knowledge on Transitioning to Agroecology catalyzed by access to markets
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
for general operating support - Navigate (aka Unidos MN) builds statewide Latine power and is expanding into multiracial organizing programs in the areas of immigration, housing, climate, democracy, education, and economic justice.
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
to develop and implement a scalable paid leadership development program for BIPOC immigrant/refugee essential workers in the meatpacking and agricultural sectors
Midwest Climate & Energy
to build community organizing and system change capacity for the Minneapolis People’s Climate and Equity Plan, prioritizing frontline BIPOC communities and building a multiracial, multigenerational city wide change
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
for general operating support
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
for general operating support
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
AgrifoodFRN: Strengthening the Farmer Research Network around ULPC to support food system transformation
Midwest Climate & Energy
to provide technical assistance to clean fuels policy design in Minnesota, Michigan, and Illinois, and to advance equitable transportation electrification in Minnesota and the Midwest
Midwest Climate & Energy
to accelerate equitable transportation electrification in Minnesota and the Midwest
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support analysis and stakeholder engagement around clean fuels and other clean transportation policies in Minnesota and the Midwest
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support UCS in analyzing and engaging stakeholders around a clean fuels standard and other transportation policies for Minnesota
Other Grantmaking
for general operating support
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support Midwest Alliance states in accessing federal climate funds and in bolstering their climate resilience
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support regional climate leadership in the Midwest
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support regional climate leadership in the Midwest
Other Grantmaking
to support the 9th Annual United Negro College Fund Twin Cities Masked Ball, scheduled for May 2025
Arts & Culture
for planning a 2024 convening of United States Artists, McKnight Foundation, and Jerome Foundation artist fellows
Midwest Climate & Energy
to equitably decarbonize the Midwest by supporting powerful and inclusive coalitions with the ability to transform markets and the economy through state action in seven states
Midwest Climate & Energy
to build and support the Midwest network of advocates in pursuit of ambitious and equitable climate action
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support grantees historically not included in the clean transportation space, and broaden the scope of both community grantmaking and advocacy partners for the equitable clean transportation future
Midwest Climate & Energy
to equitably decarbonize the Midwest power, transportation, and building sectors
Midwest Climate & Energy
to accelerate decarbonization of the Midwest power, transportation, and buildings sectors
Other Grantmaking
to engage and mobilize African American voters in Michigan
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Sahel-IPM_II: Agroecological management of the main insect pests of cereal-legume and vegetable cropping systems in the SAHEL
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Co-design workshop for the project “Food Systems Innovation to Nurture Equity and Resilience Globally (Food-SINERGY)”
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Reappropriation and Readaptation of local technologies to enhance smallholder farmers Resilience in the Sudano-Sahelian region of Burkina Faso
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Funding training grant for the Agrinovia Master
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
for training for Agrinovia Masters Program students
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Recycling Urban Organic Waste, Recovering and safeguarding soil health to boost peri-urban smallholder farming for sustainable resilience in West Africa
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Towards Sustainable Rice Production in Burkina Faso: Integration of Agroecological Practices and Monitoring for the Management of Bioaggregators RIZAGRO-BF (Agroecological Rice Production in Burkina Faso)
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support a narrative-based podcast, based on research, that helps the public understand the climate problem and its solutions
Midwest Climate & Energy
to plan, produce, and promote a podcast anthology on the climate crisis aimed at the climate curious
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Community-driven interventions for sustainable food systems and soil water conservation in the Drylands, West Pokot
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Farmer research networks for ecological pest and disease management
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Optimising the use of bioinoculants, their role in crop production and crop protection with a focus on sorghum-legume cropping systems
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
FRN assessments of botanical pesticides to augment above and below ground ecosystem services for crop resilience
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Developing UMN Agroecology Graduate Curriculum: An Initial Pilot Project
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
to support the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs Community Programs to nourish an ecosystem for reparative policy change through data, research, organizing, and leadership development, and democratizing complex information through art-based mediums
Midwest Climate & Energy
to engage and support Minnesota communities in implementing clean energy projects
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
for project support for the Carlson Consulting Enterprise
Other Grantmaking
to support the Gun Violence Prevention Clinic at the University of Minnesota Law School
Midwest Climate & Energy
to build participatory approaches that integrate psychological well-being, community resilience, and sense of belonging with local climate policy and planning to support Somali American youth as climate leaders reflective of a diversity of cultural values
Midwest Climate & Energy
to test, refine, and understand the economic and behavioral barriers for farmers in Minnesota to adopt climate-friendly farming practices
Midwest Climate & Energy
to expand a research engagement platform with Minnesota's municipal and cooperative utilities to advance clean energy
Midwest Climate & Energy
to convert opportunity into action by scaling policy-enabled clean energy opportunities in communities across Minnesota and sharing stories to promote replication
Arts & Culture
to support the Bell Museum's Resident Artist program, offering Minnesota artists of diverse backgrounds, identities, and abilities, opportunities to explore their artistic vision through engagement with contemporary scientific research at the University
Midwest Climate & Energy
to support the Institute on the Environment’s implementation of an integrated research, leadership, and outreach plan for decarbonization, centered in Minnesota
Other Grantmaking
to support the Swain Climate Policy Lecture Series
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
for program and regranting support for CURA Community Programs to nourish an ecosystem for reparative policy change through data, research, organizing and leadership development, and democratizing complex information through art
Vibrant & Equitable Communities
to support the One MN Legislative Conference in 2022
Midwest Climate & Energy
to continue the development of an integrated research and outreach program on energy transition at the University of Minnesota