We hope you find our level of transparency about our approach to impact investing helpful. In addition, we offer responses here to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Where to Begin
The impact investing section of McKnight’s website is designed for people in the foundation and endowments community. We provide transparency for institutional investors who are learning. If you’re an individual investor who is getting started, try this resource.
Priority Areas
We are most interested in investments that dramatically cut carbon pollution and/or build equitable and inclusive communities in Minnesota.
Geographic Focus
Yes. Our impact investing considers investments across the United States. At this time, however, we are not making impact investments internationally except in fund vehicles.
Grant Requests Related to Impact Investing
The McKnight Foundation builds the field of impact investing by our practice of investing. We do not have a grantmaking budget to fund research, intermediaries, platforms, or events for impact investing.
Research Inquiries
All research requests should go to Nate Wade, investment analyst. We try to assist with research as time permits.
Consultant Inquiries
The McKnight website provides a high level of public disclosure about our approach and our portfolio. If a thorough visit doesn’t answer your questions, please send an email with your specific interests and questions to Elizabeth McGeveran, Vice President of Investments.
Investment Policy Statement
Yes it is. Our approach to environment, social, and governance (ESG) issues is woven into the Investment Policy Statement.
Fund Manager Inquiries
Given the volume of inquiries we receive, we are unlikely to meet with a fund manager solely on the basis of a cold call. The McKnight Foundation works with Imprint Capital, at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, to develop our pipeline of prospective investments. Please send your inquiries regarding public market funds and private opportunities to Goldman Sachs directly.
Entrepreneur Inquiries
Because seed and early investing are notoriously difficult, we rely on venture capital funds. In our direct investment portfolio, we invest growth capital in companies that have customers and revenue. We avoid technology risk. We are unlikely to meet with an entrepreneur solely on the basis of a cold call.
Capital-Intensive Fixed Assets
No, we avoid investing directly in capital-intensive fixed assets.
PRI Criteria
McKnight has a minimum PRI size of $1 million. PRIs are most often deployed as loans or guarantees, but we have the flexibility to make equity PRIs or use other strategies. We consider PRIs across any of the Foundation’s domestic grantmaking areas, but we do not make international PRIs. While we tend to make PRIs to organizations that receive McKnight grants, this is not a hard-and-fast rule. Please explore our existing PRIs at the bottom of the portfolio page to learn more about our approach.
Net Zero
On Monday, October 18, 2021, the McKnight Foundation announced a commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across its $3 billion endowment by 2050 at the latest.
Net zero is a comprehensive strategy to immediately reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the entire investment portfolio—including the fossil fuel sector—while also making new investments to build a carbon-free economy.
Read our frequently asked questions about net zero to learn more.
Public Speaking Invitations
Speaker requests for Elizabeth McGeveran should be sent through our web form.
Media Inquiries
Please contact Dan Thiede, McKnight’s senior communications officer, with all media requests. Include your media outlet’s name, the specific story angle, how soon you need an interview, and any other relevant details.