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McKnight fait progresser le leadership climatique dans le Midwest

Within the United States, the Midwest is one of the largest emitters of carbon pollution. To reduce carbon pollution at scale at the speed necessary, we must act collectively. For that reason, the McKnight Foundation supports bold action on the climate crisis, recognizing that economy-wide decarbonization requires transforming our energy system. It also calls for …

La législation du Minnesota sur l'énergie propre est une étape conséquente, et de nouvelles actions collectives peuvent apporter des avantages à tous

McKnight Foundation Leaders Comment on Passage of 100% Clean Energy Legislation (Minneapolis, MN – February 7, 2023) Earlier today, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed the 100% clean energy bill, a foundational piece of legislation that moves the state closer to economy-wide decarbonization by committing Minnesota utilities to provide their customers with 100 percent carbon-free electricity …

McKnight renouvelle son engagement envers la recherche en neurosciences

The McKnight Foundation announces support of the McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience with $38 million over 10 years. The McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience (MEFN), now in its 46th year, has always sought to support basic research that will increase our knowledge of brain function. From its inception, the MEFN has aligned itself with the …

McKnight nomme l'artiste interdisciplinaire Douglas R. Ewart 2022 Artiste distingué

Category:Announcement7 min read McKnight Names Interdisciplinary Artist Douglas R. Ewart 2022 Distinguished Artist Photos by Molly Miles The McKnight Foundation announces the selection of Douglas R. Ewart as its 2022 Distinguished Artist, an award given annually to a Minnesota artist who has made significant contributions to the state’s cultural life. “We are thrilled to celebrate …

Naviguer dans la zone neutre

Ce qui s’est passé pendant le temps intermédiaire dans notre travail DEI La zone neutre, telle que définie par William Bridges, est un temps intermédiaire. Bridges, une autorité en matière de gestion du changement, explique que les transitions exigent de laisser aller ce qui était, de naviguer dans une période d'incertitude entre les deux et d'accepter un nouveau départ. Pensez à un trapéziste. …

Des partenaires collectifs philanthropiques pour lutter contre la noirceur et réaliser la justice raciale

The McKnight Foundation recently joined the Philanthropic Collective to Combat Anti-Blackness & Realize Racial Justice. This is the press release they issued on July 14, 2020. The Philanthropic Collective to Combat Anti-Blackness & Realize Racial Justice—a coalition of foundations and philanthropic organizations formed in response to the killing of George Floyd—issued a statement denouncing anti-blackness and …

Un logement abordable qui dure des générations

City of Lakes Community Land Trust crée des opportunités de logement abordable en acquérant un terrain et en le retirant du marché immobilier spéculatif à but lucratif. Les acheteurs ayant des revenus suffisants peuvent ensuite acheter une maison sur le terrain, le louer par le biais d'un bail de 99 ans renouvelable. Cela garantit que si et quand le propriétaire décide de vendre, le terrain…
