Our grants database features organizations from the past five years. It is updated on a quarterly basis about a month after board approval.
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Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Enhancing Agroecology Friendly Policies and Practices in Tanzania
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Agroecological Videos Bolivia
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Videos on agroecological intensification in Ecuador
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Promoting healthy soil ecosystems through agroecology for climate adaptation and mitigation in Africa
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
to support African Agroecological Entrepreneurship and Territorial Markets Convening on May 24-26, 2022 in Kampala, Uganda
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Alliance magazine EDI audit
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
for AV4Resilience: African vegetables for enhanced functional diversity and resilience of production systems in Burkina Faso through women and youth empowerment
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Agroecological Youth in Action for Peru
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Seedlings for Change
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Spread Agroecology: Responding to New Challenges
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Support and strengthen the research networks of producers to improve their resilience to climate change in Burkina Faso and Mali
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
for Enhancing Agroecological Intensification and Sustainable Natural Resource Management in Mali and Burkina Faso
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
to support ownership by farmers of the association AMSP-BURKINA of the FRN approach for agroecological transition and the transformations of their food systems
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
to provide bridge funding support for agroecology organizations accelerating the transformation of food systems
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Blue Marble Infrastructure Phase 2
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Develop a general framework for implementing physiologically based models (PBDMs), data, and weather files for use by researchers globally
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
for a feasibility study for the development of a Python-based platform for evaluating crop/pest systems globally
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Feeding the soil and feeding the cow to feed the people: co-designing agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in sudano-sahelian Burkina Faso
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
CowpeaSquare 2: Co-designing and scaling-up of cropping systems through the integration of decentralized varietal selection and agroecological crop management options
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Developing and promoting locally adapted practices to improve environmental conditions and enhance nutritional and health security in Sub-Saharan Africa (EnvFood)
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Assessing agroecological practices as non-market approaches for climate action: A synthesis of evidence from the Andes
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Advancing Climate Data Integration in Agroecological Research
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Smallholder Soil Health Assessment - Supporting soils research, awareness, and capacity building towards managing agroecosystems for agroecological transitions
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Forage and Fallows Phase IV: Promoting and Refining Options for Sustainable Soil and Landscape Management
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Examining Sustainable Soil and Landscape Management Options in the Peruvian Andes
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Promotion of agroecology among small-scale producers via participatory action research projects in high Andean regions
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Agroecology Gender-transformative Living labs for Climate Resilience (AGILE4Climate)
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
to build the Circular Bionutrient Economy to Enhance Systems Health in Africa's Lake Victoria Basin
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Support to the scaling up of local agro-ecological food systems from Andean highland territories of the Cordillera Negra (Ancash-Peru)
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Enhancing Drought Resilience and Soil Health in Kenyan Smallholder Farming Systems through Regenerative Agroecological Farming Practices in Maize Cropping Systems
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
What Works Where and for Whom: Improved systems to undertake Option by Context Studies for Agro-Ecological Intensification through Right-N trials
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
for Nutritional African Foods Initiative (NAFI), a participatory agroecological research to build knowledge and increase consumption of nutritional and climate-resilient African foods
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Strengthening multi-stakeholder cooperation on Agroecology through integrated tools to enable transformative change
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Womens fields IV: Building on the FUMA-FRN for a farmer-centered agro-ecological transition amidst the challenges of food insecurity and climate change in the Maradi region of Niger
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Case study research, Enabling rural farm enterprises to improve local livelihoods and increase ecosystem services; and to enable a farmer research network to validate agroecological options that respond to local context
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Andes Agroecologicos
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Strengthening of knowledge dialogue capacities and facilitation in projects of the CCRP-Andes Community of Practice
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Rural-urban partnerships for the on-farm conservation of Peru’s native chilli peppers
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Rural schools and smallholder agriculture in the Andes: an alliance for changing time
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Strengthening Climate-resilient Food Systems at the Territorial Level While Shifting Food System Policies
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
for general operating support - Groundswell International operates in 11 countries, across three regions of the world to strengthen communities to build healthy farming and food systems from the ground up.
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Agroecological Intensification - Phase IV: Co-evaluation and scaling of integrated agroecological production systems adapted to climatic variability in Burkina Faso
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Learning, Innovation and Collaboration to Strengthen and Scale Agroecology and Sustainable Local Food Systems
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Support for the expansion of the digital media of the Seed Guardians Network
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
AGUAPAN II : Promoting Agrobiodiversity in the Central Andes of Peru, Institutional Innovation for In Situ Conservation and Use of Agrobiodiversity
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Forage and Fallows Phase IV: Promoting and Refining Options for Sustainable Soil and Landscape Management
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Methods support for agroecological research in West Africa
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Kenya AE Hub 3: Supporting FRN priorities through agroecological research, capacity strengthening, and farmer empowerment
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
SahelClim: Co-Producing and communicating evidence on climate solutions based on agroecological dynamics in the Sahel
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
to support the development of evidence-based solutions for agroecological transition in smallholder farmers' contexts at territory level in Niger
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Agroecological valorization of slaughterhouse waste for more productive and resilient agricultural systems in West Africa
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Integrating value chain, Farming Research Network and Agroecological intensification approaches on Bambara nut based farming system for food systems transformation
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Agroecological valorization of organic waste (AgrOW)
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Agro2EcoS: Agroecological valorization of ecological sanitation waste
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Agro-ecological management of crop insects: towards a sustainable collective goal for farmers
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Novel agroecological practices for post-harvest management of cereals and legumes to achieve sustainable food and nutritional security in rural Burkina Faso
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Child nutrition III: Scaling nutritional innovations for sustainable, resilient, and equitable food systems transformation
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Black soldier fly for health, feed and food (BSF 4 HFF)
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Transforming Rural Food Systems by Processing to Improve Markets and Nutrition and Reinforce Resilience of Local Communities in West Africa
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Sustainable integration of trees with crops, livestock and human for improved resilience and ecosystem services in pearl millet-based subsistence farming systems in Niger (CATHI-Gao II)
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Strengthening agroecology at the interface of national and international policies
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
for exploring global policy options for an agroecological transition
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
for the importance of public policy for Agroecology in Ecuador
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Consumers of Cochabamba
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Communication Support
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Participatory baseline study on technical, environmental and socio-economic feasibility of BSF rearing in the Ecuadorian highlands of Canar and Chimborazo
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Co-developing a proposal for a multi-year partnership between CIFOR-ICRAF and McKnight Foundation under the framework of the Agroecology TPP
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
provide gap funding for the early phase of the Agroecology Coalition, ensuring continuous support from the Agroecology Transformation Partnership Platform for a successful transition to a fully independent Coalition Secretariat, with stable funding
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Networking4Seed II: Strengthening seed systems through farmer-research networks in a context of agroecological transition in West Africa
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
For production of communications outputs and activities for the International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples' workshop exchange in Potato Park in Peru, including a joint Declaration and workshop report
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Improved survey approaches for the CCRP in the Andes, phase II: performing integral indicator assessments
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Beyond the Tech Divide: Rethinking Innovation for Agroecological Transformation
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Andean Insights and Narrative: Agrobiodiversity and Seed systems to empower Agroecology (Insights)
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Improving agrobiodiversity and seed systems research for development in the Andes
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Using promising agroecological management practices to facilitate landscape restoration and enhance environmental conservation and sustainable productivity of western Kenya smallholder systems
Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems
Enhancing Agro-ecological Intensification through targeted integration of legume-based interventions in diverse farming systems in Western Kenya