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91-100 ntawm 177

Ob xyoos tom qab, peb saib mus rau qhov ua tau

It’s been two years since Mr. George Floyd was murdered. Like so many Black Americans throughout history, he came to Minnesota for opportunity. Yet instead of realizing the American Dream, what unfolded was a nightmare. What happened to Mr. Floyd is not an anomaly. His story depicts the insidious nature of racism—how it shows up …

Tus yuam sij rau kev tsim kom muaj vaj huam sib luag kev daws teeb meem

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report confirms what communities around the globe, including here in the Midwest, have known for decades: climate change is affecting the lives of billions of people around the world—creating dangerous disruptions that hit under-resourced communities hardest. Too often, these same communities are left out of conversations about …

Highlights los ntawm 2021

Trying times have the power to bring us together or tear us apart. With the ongoing pandemic, deep political and social divides, and devastating climate events, 2021 was another year of complexity and heartache. And yet, it was a time when many pulled together with renewed purpose, clarity, and hope. At McKnight, we welcomed new …

Tswvyim Lub Tswvyim

Qhov no yog qhov thib peb kev tswj ntawm peb lub Tswvyim Txuj Ci, thiab nws yuav coj peb txoj haujlwm rau peb lub xyoos tom ntej. Lub moj khaum no qhia txog peb txoj kev paub txog kev ceev nrooj uas muaj kev sib tw ntawm lub zej zog thiab kev sib tw ntawm peb lub hnub. Nws tseem qhia txog peb kev cog lus los ntawm kev siv lub Foundation cov kev pab cuam rau kev sib raug zoo, kev lees paub, thiab kev cuam tshuam-tag nrho nrog kev koom tes nrog ...

Yuav Pib Li Cas Rau Cov Kev Xeem Digital

Peb txoj kev mob siab rau Diversity, Equity, thiab Tuam Tsev (DEI) yuav txhawb kom peb mus rau lub ntiaj teb ntau dua thiab muaj kev ncaj ncees. Txawm hais tias ib tug neeg mus rau hauv peb qhov chaw ua haujlwm los sis cuam tshuam nrog peb hauv online, peb xav tsim kom muaj ib qho chaw uas txhua tus xav tias muaj nuj nqis thiab saib taus. Tias yog vim li cas peb tsis ntev los no saib xyuas peb lub vas sab kom ntsuas tau ...

Cov Poj Niam Hauv Zog: Huv Huv Zog Pab Pawg Sib Tham Kev Sib Tham Kate Wolford

Kev sib tham hauv qab no tau luam tawm rau hauv Cov Hwj Huam Huv Huv (CERTs) blog. Hwj Huam Cov Koom Haum Huv Huv: Koj puas tau qhia me ntsis txog yam koj ua nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb lub zog hauv Minnesota? Kate Wolford: Kuv ua tus thawj tswj hwm ntawm lub McKnight Foundation, uas yog tsev neeg hauv Minnesota. Ib qho ntawm peb cov hom phiaj yog los txhawb tus tub nruab nrab ...

Kev Sib Txuas Lus Yuav Ua Li Cas Rau Lub Hom Phiaj

Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv Tshiab Mus Rau Cov Kws Kho Mob Cov lus qhia txhua xyoo yog cov tsiaj nyaum coj txawv txawv hauv cov hnub nyoog digital. Lawv tau ib daim ntawv kos npe ntawm hom kev qhia dab neeg. Hauv lub hnub nyoog ntawm 24/7/365 multi-screen, surround suab cov digital sib txuas lus, qee cov lus sib txuas lus nug lawv cov nqi. Thaum nws tuaj txog lub sij hawm los npaj McKnight cov lus tshaj tawm txhua xyoo, kuv xav ntsoov txog qhov kev hloov ntawm no thiab tseem tsis tau ...

Paub thiab Txhim Kho Tsev Neeg Lub Hwj Huam ntawm Kev Kawm Ntawv

Tsev neeg txheeb xyuas kev koom tes hauv kev kawm ntawv li cas? Raws li kev sib koom tes "lub hwj chim ntawm cov neeg hloov lub zog, tsis yog lwm txoj hau kev." Los yog ua lwm yam, hloov kev txiav txim siab rau tsev neeg thiab cov zej zog. Qhov ntawd yog lub ntsiab lus uas peb tau hnov los ntawm cov neeg zej zog ze li ntawm peb tau sau lub Kaum Ib Hlis dhau los los tshawb txog lub ntsiab lus ntawm kev koom tes ntawm tsev neeg, ...

Cov Hwj Huv Zog Siv Cov Haujlwm Kev Loj Hlob hauv Midwest

Cov hauj lwm huv zog ua kom ceev nrawm Peb paub ntev tias cov kev siv hluav taws xob thiab cov hluav taws xob txuas dua tau ua rau huab cua huv thiab dej, cov menyuam muaj kev noj qab haus huv, thiab muaj kev nyab xeeb dua. Ib tsab ntawv ceeb toom tshiab qhia tau tias lub zog huv tseem tuaj yeem txhawb nqa peb cheeb tsam kev khwv nyiaj txiag los ntawm kev tsim cov hauj lwm tshiab thiab kev lag luam tshiab tshiab. Qhov tseeb, lub zog huv yog txhawb ...

Hais rau cov thawj cov qauv ntawm Digital

Q & A nrog McKnight cov tub xov xwm sib txuas lus Na Eng yog tseem muab luam tawm los ntawm 5by5 Tsim thiab txais no nrog kev tso cai. "Digital-first" txhais li cas rau koj thiab yog vim li cas nws tseem ceeb? Nws siv los ua cov chav lis haujlwm sib txuas lus siv tag nrho lawv cov kev pabcuam rau ntawm cov khoom luam tawm thiab mam li tsim ib tus neeg tsis yog siv-tus phooj ywg pdf luam tawm rau hauv ...
