Hla mus rau cov ntsiab lus

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71-80 ntawm 177

McKnight Txhawb Kev Nyab Xeeb Kev Nyab Xeeb Kev Coj Noj Coj hauv Midwest

Within the United States, the Midwest is one of the largest emitters of carbon pollution. To reduce carbon pollution at scale at the speed necessary, we must act collectively. For that reason, the McKnight Foundation supports bold action on the climate crisis, recognizing that economy-wide decarbonization requires transforming our energy system. It also calls for …

Zoo siab txais tos rau Lub VCRP.org Lub Vev Xaib Tshiab!

Xyaum Ua Yav Tom Ntej ntawm Kev Tshawb Fawb Txog Kev Ua Qoob Loo Nrog Ua Ke Peb zoo siab qhia tawm pib ntawm peb CCRP.org kho tshiab! Los ntawm lub xaib, peb muaj kev sib txuas rau ntau dua 80 cov kev tshawb fawb, kawm thoob plaws hauv qhov program, thiab txuas rau lwm tus neeg koom nrog tsim cov kev daws teeb meem los ntawm kev tshawb nrhiav tshiab hauv kev cog qoob loo. Tshaj li peb lub xyoos dhau los, McKnight…

Nqis Thauj Lub Vaj Tse Uas Tseem Ceeb Rau Txhim Kho

Lub Nroog Lakes Lub Zos Lub Zos Lub Zej Zog (Community of Trust) tsim kom muaj cov vaj tse pheej yig tau los ntawm kev tau txais thaj av thiab tshem tawm los ntawm cov speculative, cov nyiaj ua lag luam rau kev ua lag luam. Cov neeg tau txais peev nyiaj tau los yuav tau tom lub tsev ntawm lub teb chaws, leasing thaj av ntawm 99 xyoo rov saud. Qhov no saib xyuas yog tias thiab thaum twg tus tswv tsev txiav txim siab muag, hauv av ...

Strategic Framework Video

Cov yees duab no suav nrog cov lus Spanish, Hmong, Oromo, German, Fabkis, Arabic, Suav, Amharic, thiab Laotian. Nkag mus rau hauv subtitles los tsoo lub "CC" khawm hauv qab ntawm kaum sab xis ntawm tus neeg saib video. Saib cov yees duab nrog subtitles hauv Hmoob, Dakota, thiab Ojibwe los ntawm txhaj qhov sib txuas sib txuas. Ua ib feem ntawm peb kev tso tawm ntawm Lub Tswvyim Txiaj Ntsig 2019-2021, peb ...

2020 hauv Kev Rov Ntsuas: Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb los ntawm Ib Xyoo Keeb Kwm

2020 will likely always be remembered as the year that unleashed unprecedented disruption in our home state and across the globe. In the face of a raging pandemic, a painful racial reckoning, and a contentious US election cycle, we thank all who met this moment with hope and courage. Here are some highlights from a …

Michigan's 100 feem pua ntxhiab hluav taws xob txoj cai ua lub xeev lub cav rau kev nyab xeeb thiab kev khwv nyiaj txiag

McKnight Foundation Leaders Comment on Legislation and Progress Toward Equitable Clean Energy Future (November 28, 2023) Earlier today, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a suite of clean energy legislation that moves the state closer to economy-wide decarbonization by committing Michigan utilities to provide their customers with 100 percent clean electricity by 2040, increasing energy efficiency …

Muab Cov Tswvyim thiab Kev Pabcuam los Pab Nres West Central Thrive

Dhia nce thiab nqis nrog squeals ntawm delight, ib pawg ntawm cov me nyuam me saib ntau-eyed raws li qhov hluav taws kub cav rub tawm ntawm lawv tus neeg zov me nyuam lub tsev. Muaj hmoo zoo, cov neeg tua neeg tsis nyob rau qhov xwm txheej tab sis rau qhov tshwj xeeb tshaj tawm kom tau ntsib cov neeg zov me nyuam nyob rau hauv Grant County hauv sab hnub poob hauv Minnesota thiab muab faib ...

Cov tshuaj lom neeg? Yuav ua li cas ib pawg neeg txiav txim siab tau siv Tus Qos Muaj Qoob Loo hloov nws txoj kev

Kev Siv Tshuaj Tua Kab Tsuag (PAN) yog ib feem ntawm lub network ua haujlwm tiv thaiv pej xeem kev noj qab haus huv thiab ib puag ncig ntawm kev raug mob ntawm cov tshuaj tua kab, thiab txhawb kev noj qab haus huv suab thiab kev noj zaub mov thiab kev ua liaj ua teb. TXHEEB txhawb cov nyom thoob ntiaj teb ntawm cov tshuaj tua kab, tiv thaiv cov cai yooj yim rau kev noj qab haus huv thiab ib puag ncig zoo, thiab ua haujlwm los xyuas kom meej ...

McKnight tshaj tawm cov tswv yim tshiab rau Kev Ua Ntej Kev Ncaj Ncees thiab Kev Nyab Xeeb Huab Cua

Ntawm McKnight thiab hauv cov zej zog peb txhawb, peb muaj laj thawj los ua kev zoo siab hnub no! Lub tswv yim tshiab ntawm Vibrant & Kev Sib Tw Hauv Cheeb Tsam (V&EC) tshaj tawm nws cov tswv yim thiab cov txheej txheem pub nyiaj, thiab Midwest Climate & Energy (MC&E) cov txheej txheem tau hloov kho nws cov tswv yim kom muaj kev cuam tshuam txog kev ua haujlwm zoo tom ntej. Peb caw koj tuaj xyuas…
