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McKnight Npe Tus tub yees duab Wing Young Huie raws li 2018 Ntau tus Artist

Lub McKnight Foundation tau xaiv cov duab kos duab Wing Young Huie los txais lub 2018 McKnight Distinguished Artist Award. [Saib cov duab ntawm qhov qhia]. Lub xyoo honour, tam sim no nyob rau hauv nws lub xyoo 21st, muab $ 50,000 rau ib tug kws ua yeeb yam hauv Minnesota uas tau ua ib qho tseem ceeb hauv lub xeev qhov kev coj noj coj ua. "Nrog nws cov koob yees duab ntawm cov yees duab thiab qhia kev nrag duab ...

Tshajtawm Ua Neeg Sib Yuav 2020 Khoom Tshaj Zoo

Peb cov koomhaum koom tes tshaj tawm txog 2020 McKnight Artist Sib Raug Zoo Sib Luag ntawm ntu. Peb muab tshaj tawm lawv sai tom qab lawv tau muaj. Tom qab ntawd, tom qab txhua tus yeej tau tshaj tawm, peb yuav hloov daim ntawv teev cov phooj ywg tam sim no. 2020 McKnight Composer Fellows thiab McKnight Mus Saib Xyuas Composers Tshaj Tawm Tus Neeg Tshaj Lij Khoom plig: Kathy McTavish, Ted Olsen, David…

2021 Tshaj Tawm Cov Tub Ntxhais Sib Tw Ntaus Ntawv Tshaj Tawm

Peb cov koom haum koom tes tshaj tawm 2021 McKnight Artist Fellowship yeej yeej ntawm kev sib tw. Peb tso lawv ntawm no sai sai tom qab lawv muaj. Tom qab ntawd, tom qab txhua tus yeej tau tshaj tawm, peb yuav hloov kho cov npe ntawm cov neeg koom nrog tam sim no. McKnight Community-Engaged Artist Fellowships Award Winners: Mankwe Ndosi, Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay 2021 McKnight Printmaking Fellows Award…

2022 Artist Sib Raug Zoo Tshaj Tawm Tshaj Tawm

Our partner organizations announce the 2022 McKnight Artist Fellowship winners on a rolling basis. We post them here shortly after they become available. Then, after all the winners have been announced, we will update this list of current fellows. 2022 McKnight Composer Fellows and McKnight Visiting Composers Announced Award Winners: McKnight Fellowships for Composers – …

Plaub Minnesotans Pom Zoo Tias yog Unsung Heroes nrog $ 10,000 Award

McKnight Foundation thiab Minnesota Council ntawm Tsis Ua Haujlwm (MCN) tau xaiv Shanene Herbert ntawm Minneapolis, Jamil Jackson ntawm Minneapolis, Shirley Nordrum ntawm Cass Lake, thiab Patti Reibold ntawm Red Wing raws li xyoo no Virginia McKnight Binger Unsung Hero Award tau txais. Qhov khoom plig no paub txog Minnesotans plaub tus neeg uas tau ua rau muaj kev cuam tshuam tseem ceeb hauv xeev,…

Hauv St. Paul's East Side, Neighborhoods ntawm Txoj Kev Yoojyim

Nyob rau Sab Hnub Tuaj ntawm St. Paul, txoj kev poob siab nrog lub zog thiab qhov tsw. Cov kab lis kev cai ntau yam kab lis kev cai muaj lub tsiab peb caug rau lub qhov muag, thiab lub qhov ntswg thiab pob ntseg! Ciaj muag muag braised mustard greens thiab papaya zaub xam lav nrog ntses ntses, kos duab lub voj voog sab nrig lub voj voog, thiab ntau ntau ntxiv. Cov tub ntxhais kawm haujlwm ua haujlwm tau nyob ua ke ...

Xav Xav Tau: Diverse, Effective Teachers rau peb cov chav kawm hloov

Greater Minnesota muaj ib qho kev tsis txaus siab ntawm ntau tus xib fwb los qhia cov neeg ua hauj lwm thiab cov thawj coj. Ntawm no yog li cas ib lub zej zog tab tom siv tswv yim, sib koom tes, thiab lub zej zog cov suab lus kom tau raws li qhov teeb meem no. Txawm tias muaj ntau lub nroog me tawm tsam nrog lawv cov menyuam yaus thiab cov tsev neeg, qhov chaw ua noj ntawm Worthington County (pop 13,000) xam tau tias ...

2020 hauv Kev Rov Ntsuas: Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb los ntawm Ib Xyoo Keeb Kwm

2020 will likely always be remembered as the year that unleashed unprecedented disruption in our home state and across the globe. In the face of a raging pandemic, a painful racial reckoning, and a contentious US election cycle, we thank all who met this moment with hope and courage. Here are some highlights from a …

2019 Artist Fellowship Award Kev Tshaj Tawm

Peb cov koom haum koom tes tshaj tawm 2019 McKnight Artist Sib Raug Zoo Sib Tw tau txais txiaj ntsig zoo txij li lub Plaub Hlis. Peb muab tshaj tawm lawv sai tom qab lawv tau muaj. Tom qab ntawd, tom qab txhua tus yeej tau tshaj tawm, peb yuav hloov daim ntawv teev npe ntawm cov koom tes tam sim no. 2019 McKnight Composer Fellows thiab McKnight Mus Saib Xyuas Composers Tshaj Tawm Tus Tshaj Tawm Pauv Loj (Composer Fellows):…
