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31-40 의 342

열망을 행동으로 옮기기

A New Report Illustrates Equity in Action at the McKnight Foundation Ever since the McKnight Foundation released the organization’s first diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statement in 2018, our board and staff have held fast to the tenet that we need to back up our words with actions. Aspiration must transform into action because our …

맥나이트, 직원 3 명 고용

2015 년 8 월 27 일 - McKnight 재단은 Megan Powers를 국제 프로그램 책임자로, Flannery Clark를 중역 보좌역으로, Grace Fredrickson을 회계 보조원으로 고용했습니다.

민주적 참여 강화 McKnight의 3 분기 교부금 하이라이트

More than 23 million immigrants in the United States are eligible to vote in this year’s presidential election, according to the Pew Research Center. This record high makes up roughly 10 percent of the nation’s overall electorate. The question is how many of these naturalized citizens will vote this fall. Immigrants face significant barriers to …

McKnight는 Dominic McQuerry를 프로그램 책임자로 환영합니다.

The McKnight Foundation is pleased to announce that Dominic McQuerry will join the Vibrant & Equitable Communities and Midwest Climate & Energy programs as a program officer. McQuerry is a policy and community engagement professional with a passion for supporting people’s lives and livelihoods, guiding and supporting powerful coalitions in Minnesota on housing, healthcare, child …

McKnight, 활기차고 공평한 커뮤니티 보조금의 첫 번째 슬레이트에서 경제적 이동성을 가속화

The McKnight Foundation is thrilled to announce the inaugural slate of grantee organizations in its new Vibrant & Equitable Communities program. “This is a moment to celebrate—a culmination of 18 months of thoughtful planning, community input, learning, and working to infuse equity and transparency into our grantmaking at every step,” said Tonya Allen, president. “We …

McKnight, 작가 Marcie Rendon 2020 저명 아티스트로 선정

The McKnight Foundation is pleased to announce the selection of Marcie Rendon for its 2020 Distinguished Artist Award—a $50,000 award created to honor a Minnesota artist who has made significant contributions to the state’s cultural life. Rendon, an enrolled member of the White Earth Nation, is a writer whose poems, plays, children’s books, and novels …

McKnight, 연극 아티스트 Faye M. Price 2021 Distinguished Artist 선정

The McKnight Foundation is pleased to announce the selection of Faye M. Price as its 2021 Distinguished Artist, an honor that carries a $50,000 award for a Minnesota artist who has made significant contributions to the state’s cultural life. As a director, actor, dramaturg, and arts leader, Price has significantly influenced Minnesota theater by bringing …

교육에서 가족의 힘을 인정하고 증폭 시킴

가족은 교육에서 가족의 참여를 어떻게 정의합니까? 다른 말로하면, "시스템을 바꾸는 사람들의 힘"을 수용하는 것. 즉, 의사 결정 권력을 가족 및 지역 사회로 이동시키는 것. 그것은 지난 11 월에 모인 약 30 명의 지역 사회 파트너가 우리가 가족 참여의 주제를 탐구하기 위해 들었던 주제입니다 ...
