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Philanthropic Community Announces $4 Billion Commitment to Combat Climate Change

Recently president Kate Wolford represented the McKnight Foundation as part of a coalition of foundations that committed to investing $4 billion in climate action over the next five years. Watch an excerpt from her speech at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco and read her complete remarks below. 

“We are here on behalf of a large group of philanthropists around the world who share a deep commitment to combatting climate change. More importantly, we are here with and on behalf of organizations around the world who are leading this change, who are making progress every day. They are truly leaders in this effort.

“We have great hope because we see the momentum that is happening in every corner of our planet.” KATE WOLFORD, PRESIDENT

“As many have said, climate impacts are increasingly visible across the globe—food insecurity, compromised human health, extreme weather events and more. But we stand here today in hope. We have great hope because we see the momentum that is happening in every corner of our planet. Momentum as clean energy markets scale rapidly. Momentum as governments at every level raise their ambition, and more importantly, act on that ambition. And most importantly, we stand here in hope because of people who are united around the world to take decisive action.”

Topic: Midwest Climate & Energy

October 2018
