Tim Murphy has served as a program officer at McKnight with the Program Alignment team since 2021. In this role, he extends the capacity of McKnight’s program teams, including leading a portfolio of grants around institutional memberships, democracy, and local media and journalism. He is passionate about the intersection of media, democracy, and equity across the entire state of Minnesota.

Tim joined the Foundation as the administrator for the Midwest Climate & Energy program in 2016. After that, he served on the Grants & Program Operations team before becoming a program officer with the Vibrant & Equitable Communities team. He holds two degrees from the University of Minnesota: a bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences, policy, and management and an MBA from the Carlson School of Management.

Tim lives in south Minneapolis with his dog, Ole, and is a member of the Board of Advisors at the Glen Nelson Center at American Public Media Group. He was a 2023 Justice Funders Harmony Fellow and is a 2024 PLACES Fellow with The Funders Network.

“Love is the capacity to take care, to protect, to nourish.” – Thich Nhat Hanh