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How Renewable Energy Could Fuel the Mekong Region

In January 2018, a group of 20 civil society representatives gathered in Nonthaburi, Thailand for the Mekong/Myanmar Regional Energy Policy Advocacy Training. With support from the McKnight Foundation, as well as Oxfam and EarthRights International, International Rivers brought together environmental and human rights activists, journalists, lawyers, educators, and policy advisors from China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, …

Grantee feedback drives improvements

The McKnight Foundation’s Strategic Framework states that, “We believe much of the power and impact of our work derives from the quality of our relationships with the people closest to the issues we address.” Our long-term success depends on strong and productive grantee partnerships. So to enable the best outcomes, we’re always looking for ways …

Designing for Impact: Using a Web Redesign to Improve Transparency, Equity, and Inclusion

This post was originally published on Transparency Talks, the GlassPockets blog site on April 11, 2019. It is reprinted here with full permission The McKnight Foundation is proud to be among the early group of foundations that joined the GlassPockets movement and has benefited from its tools and resources. As GlassPockets crosses the threshold of …

Welcome to Our New Site!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the new and improved, developed with our partners at Visceral. From the beginning of this redesign, we focused on a fundamental question: How can our website advance mission and better serve visitors? You Spoke, We Listened We are immensely grateful to the more than 350 people …

McKnight Awards $1.2 Million for Study of Brain Disorders

December 13, 2021 The McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience has selected four projects to receive the 2022 Neurobiology of Brain Disorders Awards. The awards will total $1.2 million over three years for research on the biology of brain diseases, with each project receiving $300,000 between 2022 and 2025. The Neurobiology of Brain Disorders (NBD) Awards …

Advancing Education Equity Among McKnight’s 1st-Quarter 2018 Grantmaking Highlights

The McKnight Foundation awarded 36 grants totaling $25.3 million in its first-quarter 2018 grantmaking. Of the $25.3 million approved, $2.6 million went to our Education program, which supports efforts to close opportunity gaps by engaging families and supporting diverse, effective educators. Learn more about the program’s approach and how to apply for funding to advance the …

McKnight Celebrates Culture Bearers in Third-Quarter Grantmaking

Partnership with Indigenous Roots Expands Foundation’s Artist Fellowships Program The McKnight Foundation and the Indigenous Roots Cultural Arts Center of St. Paul will begin taking submissions for the three new $25,000 Fellowships for Culture Bearers as part of the McKnight Artist Fellowships program. These annual fellowships are part of McKnight’s third-quarter 2021 grantmaking, in which …

Building Connections Through the Arts

Twin Cities Public Television (TPT) connects Minnesota’s artists with audiences through MN Original, its award-winning weekly arts series celebrating Minnesota’s creative community, across all disciplines and all cultures. Now in its eighth year, MN Original has featured more than 4,000 Minnesota artists since its inception. Broadcast throughout Minnesota and on PBS stations across the country, …

How Communications Can Advance Mission

Taking a Fresh Approach to a Traditional Assignment Annual reports are a strange beast in the digital age. They were once a signature form of brand storytelling. In the age of 24/7/365 multi-screen, surround sound digital communication, some foundation communicators question their value. When it came time to planning McKnight’s annual report, I was mindful of this evolution and yet not …

How to Get Started on Digital Inclusion

Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) challenges us to press toward a more inclusive and equitable world. Whether a person walks into our office or interacts with us online, we strive to create an environment in which everyone feels valued and respected. That’s why we recently took a closer look at our website to gauge …
