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The Road Through Paris: Building a Low-Carbon Economy with Investing and Philanthropy

This week, all eyes are on Paris as world leaders gather at the UN climate summit to tackle the greatest challenge of our generation. McKnight president Kate Wolford will be part of the historic event, joining a delegation of investors working to build low-carbon investment opportunities. While a strong international agreement is absolutely essential, we must …

Scrubbing Coal, Supporting Communities

As of Feb. 1, 2016, the McKnight Foundation’s $188 million bond portfolio is coal-free. It’s a move we made to further align our investments with our grantmaking goals of building a low-carbon economy. And as this economy-wide transformation advances, coal debt is likely to become increasingly unattractive to long-term investors. The process was relatively easy …

Rick Shiomi, McKnight’s 2015 Distinguished Artist

Below is board chair Meghan Binger Brown’s foreword from the recently released commemorative book celebrating McKnight’s 2015 Distinguished Artist, Rick Shiomi — theater artist, musician, and founder of Mu Performing Arts. Playwright, Director, Musician, Mentor: An Artist’s Zen Journey “Minnesota would be the last place in the world I’d want to end up,” Rick Shiomi wrote in 2011, …

Racial Equity in Arts Philanthropy: A Work in Progress

I came to philanthropy after nearly a decade as the executive director of a culturally-specific arts organization. I understand that in addition to the general struggle to thrive that exists for most artists and arts organizations, artists of color and arts organizations founded and led by people of color especially struggle to own space in …

Works Progress: The State of the Artist Documentaries

As Collaborative Directors of Works Progress, Colin Kloecker and I have been fortunate to work in partnership with artists from many different communities and professional backgrounds. In our experience, few moments compare to those unscripted, unstructured times spent one-on-one with our peers, whether it be kicking around ambitious new ideas, talking about creative process or …

The Path to Climate Solutions

Today, we are living on the edge. “The edge” is one of Will Steger’s favorite expedition terms, as it refers to moments of great challenge and great potential breakthroughs. The edge is where growth, learning, and character-building occur. The challenge confronting us is clear: With 2016 poised to surpass last year as the hottest on …

Small Decisions Equal Big Opportunity for Investor Influence on Carbon Disclosure

Last week in Minneapolis, hundreds of people gathered at the Economic Club of Minnesota, which provides a non-partisan platform for business, government, and public policy leaders to present ideas on how Minnesota can better compete in the global economy. The packed house came together for the national release of Heat in the Heartland: Climate Change & Economic Risk in the Midwest, a new …
