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What Will it Take to Build an Equitable Minnesota?

First Steps in Launching Our New Program This fall, McKnight announced a new program that seeks to advance a more equitable and inclusive Minnesota. The goal: Build a vibrant future for all Minnesotans with shared power, prosperity, and participation. We chose three focus areas: economic mobility, equitable development, and civic engagement, and we all agreed …

Right Tools, Right Time: The Rise of Impact Investing

McKnight’s vice president of finance and compliance Rick Scott (retired in June 2019) was recently interviewed by Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s (GSAM) Perspectives magazine about the Foundation’s impact investing program. An abridged version is reprinted here with permission; the full interview is available at GSAM online. Q&A with Rick Scott, Vice President of Finance and Compliance …

Building a Bold Future | Tonya Allen on Conversations with Chanda

McKnight Foundation president Tonya Allen spoke to Chanda Smith Baker on the podcast Conversations with Chanda. She shared her personal story, as well as views on power and how philanthropy can meet this historic moment by centering reparative justice. Here are a few highlights:   1. “Character makes you crumble, not power.” Many people view power …

Let’s Embrace Our Philanthropic Fiduciary Duty

This essay was originally published in a report by the Center for Effective Philanthropy called “CEO Reflections on the Future of Foundation Philanthropy.” The Future of Foundation Philanthropy highlights “promising practices” in philanthropy, such as providing long-term general operating support, offering greater transparency, and learning from grantees. Agreed. But by now, the benefits of these practices …

Staff Leadership Changes Ahead for McKnight’s Finance and Arts Teams

The McKnight Foundation will say farewell to two beloved colleagues at the end of June 2019. Rick Scott, vice president of finance and compliance, and Vickie Benson, Arts program director, have announced their intention to leave their respective positions. “Rick and Vickie both contribute immensely to McKnight’s mission and serve as effective leaders,” said Kate …

Support for Native and Indigenous Arts Organizations Vital to Minnesota

As expressed in our Strategic Framework, equity is one of McKnight's core values. We see advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion across our program areas as central to building a Minnesota that works for everyone. One critical way that we live this value is by supporting arts and cultural organizations led by people of color and Indigenous …

The Leadership Choices Ahead on Climate

As I write this, we begin the week of Earth Day.  I’m honored to serve as the new program director for the Midwest Climate & Energy program, which I’ve long considered one of the leading programs working to accelerate climate solutions in this country. I was first introduced to climate pollution as a fifth grader …

Distinguished Artist Award Nominations Open With Increased $100,000 Award

Celebrating the lifelong achievement of Minnesota artists and culture bearers The McKnight Foundation is thrilled to announce we are deepening our investment in artists and culture bearers who have contributed significantly to Minnesota communities. The Distinguished Artist Award is now open for nominations, with an increased award of $100,000. This increase emphasizes our commitment to …
