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Bill Cottman: Old Rhythms Making New Sense

When we set out on our State of the Artist Documentary Project, working with some of the McKnight Artist Fellows of the past 30 years, we immediately saw a chance to satisfy our own curiosity about Bill Cottman and his family. We’d met Bill, his wife Beverly, and their daughter Kenna last year when they …

Carolyn Swiszcz: Perpetual Inspiration Machine

Perpetual Inspiration Machine from Works Progress on Vimeo. What happens when creating work for a gallery audience isn’t enough? During our visit to visual artist Carolyn Swiszcz’s home studio in West Saint Paul, she shared a book of sketches she’d done back in grade school. From the time she was a kid, Carolyn was making things, whether …


2022-2023 Andre Berndt, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington Massively parallel, high throughput engineering of optogenetic biosensors for neuronal signaling Florescent, genetically encoded proteins have revolutionized the study of brain cells and neural circuits. By literally lighting up in the presence of specific neural activity, which then can be recorded by microscopes …


2020-2022 Ehud Isacoff, Ph.D., Evan Rauch Chair, Department of Neuroscience, University of California, Berkeley Dirk Trauner, Ph.D. Janice Cutler Chair in Chemistry and Adjunct Professor of Neuroscience and Physiology, New York University Photo-activation of Dopamine Receptors in Models of Parkinson's Disease Dopamine is generally known for its association with creating positive sensations or for its …

Our Approach

The strategy of McKnight’s Arts & Culture program is to fund organizations, programs, and projects that provide support structures for working artists and culture bearers to develop and share their work, and to lead in movements and communities. This includes artists and culture bearers working in a broad continuum of activities and approaches across disciplines …

Programs in Transition

Because of shifts in our grantmaking strategy, we have ended the following program areas, which are no longer accepting grant applications: Education, Region & Communities, Mississippi River, and Southeast Asia. Education After 10 years of funding, McKnight has ended our Education program. We honor our grantees and their progress in preparing Minnesota students for success …

Mission & Values

Our Mission The McKnight Foundation, a family foundation based in Minnesota, advances a more just, creative, and abundant future where people and planet thrive. Our vision We envision a world that recognizes the dignity of every human being, a world where we celebrate the creativity of the arts and sciences and come together to protect …
