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Racing to Net Zero: A $3 Billion Endowment Gets Even Cleaner and Greener

Category:Perspective7 min read Racing to Net Zero A $3 Billion Endowment Gets Even Cleaner and Greener Electric bus manufacturer Proterra is among the McKnight Foundation's many impact investments. Video credit: Proterra By Elizabeth McGeveran, Dan Thiede This piece originally appeared in Confluence Philanthropy and is reprinted here with full permission. When Hurricane Ida ripped through …

GroundBreak Hosts Community Briefing

This spring, GroundBreak Coalition was launched—a group of more than 25 (and growing) corporate, civic, and philanthropic leaders committed to demonstrating that, with enough resources, a racially equitable and carbon-neutral future is possible now. The coalition aims to activate at least $2 billion in flexible dollars over 10 years and deploy it across four areas: …

McKnight Supports Solutions to Affordable Housing Shortage in 2nd-Quarter Grantmaking

We know that decent, stable housing is the linchpin for economic growth for the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro region. Decent housing helps kids perform better in school and helps their parents keep their jobs. It strengthens neighborhoods and encourages new business investments. Historically low vacancy rates, however, combined with stagnant wages and skyrocketing rents, are making …

Statement on the Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

The McKnight Foundation applauded the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a landmark bill that makes more than a trillion dollars in long-overdue investments in rebuilding our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, with a clear focus on climate resilience and equity. Tonya Allen, president of the Foundation, issued the following statement: “Yesterday, Congress passed …

Understanding Innovation at McKnight

Below is an adapted excerpt of a recent memo president Kate Wolford recently prepared for our board of directors about how we think about innovation. While definitions vary, innovation generally refers to new processes, products, or services that create significant value for end users. The McKnight Foundation’s organizational culture supports an innovation mindset and fosters …

Southwest Journal | Mediators tackle fast-paced evictions

Christopher Mendez delayed paying rent on his Lyndale neighborhood apartment, just to see what would happen. Rent was due on the 1st of the month. He came home from work on the 6th to find a notice on his door: If he didn’t pay in 24 hours, an eviction would be filed. Mentioned: Conflict Resolution Center, Volunteer …

New York Times | Left to Louisiana’s Tides, a Village Fights for Time

JEAN LAFITTE, LA. — From a Cessna flying 4,000 feet above Louisiana’s coast, what strikes you first is how much is already lost. Northward from the Gulf, slivers of barrier island give way to the open water of Barataria Bay as it billows toward an inevitable merger with Little Lake, its name now a lie. Ever-widening …

Spectrum | Huda Zoghbi: Taking genetic inquiry to the next level

Over the course of a career spanning more than three decades, Huda Zoghbi, PhD, has won almost every major biology and neuroscience research award that exists. More than 20 years since she discovered the gene behind Rett syndrome, she remains laser focused on unlocking the condition’s secrets and finding effective treatments. Zoghbi and her team …

The McKnight Foundation Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Imagine a world where every child recognizes the sacredness of their humanity. And every family has enough to eat, and a place to call home, no matter the color of their skin or the zip code of their birth. Imagine how much higher we could soar in our arts and sciences if we realized that …
