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Community Focus Areas

Community Focus Areas In September 2019, the McKnight Foundation announced a new community-focused program to advance equity and inclusion in Minnesota. The goal: Build a vibrant future for all Minnesotans with shared power, prosperity, and participation. To build this vibrant future, this new program will honor and build upon what we’ve learned from the work we’ve supported …

Farmer Research Networks in Principle and Practice

In 2013, the McKnight Foundation's Collaborative Crop Research Program initiated support for farmer research networks (FRNs). FRNs were envisaged as a general approach to networked participatory research aimed at supporting the agroecological intensification (AEI) of smallholder farming in ten countries in Africa and the Andes region in South America. The 30 FRNs ranged in size …

Shareholder of Corporations

Our investments make the McKnight Foundation a partial owner of many US and global companies, positioning us to influence corporate practices. This strategy for incremental change is called investor engagement—improving what you own. Across the globe there is a growing network of engaged, proactive investors using trillions of dollars to build a more transparent, sustainable …

Customer of Financial Services

With an endowment valued at $2.3 billion, the McKnight Foundation is a substantial client for fund managers. We can use this position to promote integrated thinking on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues among the asset managers we hire. Here’s how we do it: Evaluate and Rate Evaluate and rate all our investment managers …

CCRP Brand Usage Guidelines: Grantees

Welcome to the McKnight Foundation Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP) visual asset download page. Please note: these resources are exclusively for the use of the CCRP Leadership Team and can only be accessed via this unique URL. As such, please do not share or distribute this link without permission from the McKnight Foundation. Mission, Vision …

CCRP Brand Usage Guidelines: Leadership

Welcome to the McKnight Foundation Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP) visual asset download page. Please note: these resources are exclusively for the use of the CCRP Leadership Team and can only be accessed via this unique URL. As such, please do not share or distribute this link without permission from the McKnight Foundation. Mission, Vision …


2024-2026 Annegret Falkner, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ Computational Neuroendocrinology: Linking Hormone-Mediated Transcription to Complex Behavior Through Neural Dynamics Gonadal hormones – estrogen and testosterone are among the best known – are important to mammals in many ways. They modulate internal states, behavior, and physiology. But while much has been …

McKnight Speaker Inquiry Form

McKnight staff are happy to participate and share our perspectives in a number of spaces if it aligns with our expertise, mission, and schedules. Please fill out the form below and someone will be in touch with you soon. If the speaking engagement requires travel, we may request that you cover some expenses if it's …

Knowledge Management: A Discovery Process

March 2014 – A case study about the McKnight Foundation’s recently completed knowledge management discovery process. (Read the related blog post at Stanford Social Innovation Review.) Getting strategic about how you organize and redistribute knowledge can help just about anyone achieve their goals more efficiently. We at the McKnight Foundation often find ourselves at the …

2002 Annual Report

2003 – Content and images from our 2002 annual report, in Adobe Acrobat format.
