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Iskaashatada Vision Ridge: Lacagaha Hantida ee Joogtada ah II & III

Instead of investing in traditional “real assets” like commercial real estate and oil wells, Vision Ridge sees opportunity in new kinds of assets such as the largest public network of electric vehicle charging stations, EVgo.  Its vision is to “unleash capital markets to solve our generation’s greatest challenges.” Investment Sustainable Asset Funds II: $7.5 million; …

Muneer Karcher-Ramos

Muneer Karcher-Ramos joined McKnight in March 2024 as Vibrant & Equitable Communities (Communities) program director. The Communities program works to advance a vibrant future for all Minnesotans with shared power, prosperity, and participation. Muneer brings more than 15 years of experience working in and with communities to create greater opportunity for many residents in our …

Aagagga Diiradda Bulshada

Aagagga Feejignaanta Bulshada Bishii Sebtembar 2019, Ururka 'McKnight Foundation' wuxuu ku dhawaaqay barnaamij cusub oo diiradda lagu saarayo bulshada si loo hormariyo sinnaanta iyo ka mid noqoshada Minnesota. Hadafka: U dhisi mustaqbal xamaasad leh dhammaan reer Minnesota oo leh awood wadaag, barwaaqo, iyo kaqeybgal. Si loo dhiso mustaqbalkan firfircoon, barnaamijkan cusub wuxuu sharfan doonaa oo ku dhisan doonaa wixii aan ka barannay shaqada aan taageerney…

Sida Siyaabaha Kala Duwan ee Xaqiiqada iyo Aqoonta Waxbarashadayada

Iyadoo la sii daayo shuruudaha Istaraatiijiyada Istaraatiijiga ee 2019-2021 McKnight, waxaan si joogto ah u bixin doonaa xaalad dheeri ah oo ku saabsan hal gaar ah ee dokumentiga. Halkan, Neeraj Mehta, Agaasimaha Waxbarashada, wuxuu la wadaagaa fikradihiisa mid ka mid ah hababka loo yaqaan 'philanthropic approaches' oo lagu soo bandhigay bogga 4aad ee dokumantiga buuxa. Neeraj wuxuu ka mid ahaa guddiga shaqaalaha guddiga ee soo saaray habdhismeedka. ...


Transportation, in particular daily commuting, produces nearly 30 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Scoop seeks to disrupt long, solitary commutes by providing custom, flexible carpool options for workers. Investment $2.5 million direct equity investment; originated in 2019. Exited 2022 (failure due to Covid-19 impacts). Rationale The Scoop app replaces clunky …

Daladda Magaalooyinka ee Horumariyayaasha Bulshada (MCCD)

MCCD provides small loans to individual entrepreneurs and small businesses that have not grown large enough to access commercial banks or established Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs). These early businesses are often minority-, immigrant-, or women-owned ventures. MCCD is a membership-based organization, including many cultural-based business developers. They work specifically within Indigenous, immigrant and communities …

Xarunta Horumarinta Xaafadda (NDC)

NDC is a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that empowers aspiring under-resourced entrepreneurs to build businesses in their neighborhoods, often the most economically strained in the Twin Cities. The organization describes itself as a character lender and points to its wraparound support for entrepreneurs—both pre-loan and post-loan—for achieving a high degree of repayment. NDC’s lending …

Stonepeak: Sanduuqa Cusboonaysiinta Caalamiga ah I.

Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners is a private equity fund invests in late-stage development and construction-stage solar and wind assets in North America and Developed Asia Pacific (Japan, Korea, and Taiwan). With renewables poised to meet most future capacity needs, Stonepeak hopes to take advantage of the moment and help prevent ongoing reliance on imported coal and …

Kooxda Kheyraadka La Cusboonaysiin karo (RRG): Sanduuqa Saameynta Biyo waarta I

Unsustainable water use, degraded quality, and aging infrastructure create opportunities for investors to rethink water and agricultural assets. RRG purchases land and attendant water rights in California, Australia, and Chile to optimize investment returns by improving water quality, quantity and end use. Investment $10 million; originated in 2019 Rationale RRG invests in water and agricultural …

Geeddi-socodka Habka Naqshadeynta Barnaamijyada Bulshada Soo-koobinta Wax-ku-oolliyeyaasha

At the end of October 2019, the McKnight Foundation engaged Frontline as the firm launched a multifaceted and multilevel input-gathering process designed to shape and inform the Foundation’s new Vibrant & Equitable Communities program. The primary goal was to identify powerful and relevant strategies that could guide three initial exploratory focus areas: economic mobility, equitable …

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