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151-160 of 177

Sarah Berger

Sarah Berger (formerly Sarah Lovan) joined McKnight in 2005 and has been a program officer since 2012 for the Foundation’s Arts & Culture program, which works to catalyze the creativity, power, and leadership of Minnesota’s working artists and culture bearers. As of 2022, she will spend her time with both the Arts & Culture program …

Stephanie Duffy

Stephanie Duffy joined the McKnight Foundation in August 1996 and is currently the director of Grants & Program Operations. In this role, she works with all areas of the Foundation to advance McKnight’s strategic framework and manages a team that provides the grantmaking and program operations structure, resources, and expertise needed to advance overall program …

Virginia McKnight Binger Wadnaha Sharafta Bulshada

Explore Meet the Honorees Submit a Nomination Nominations will re-open in May 2025 Celebrating people who are the pulse of Minnesota’s caring and connected communities. For nearly four decades, the McKnight Foundation has honored individuals who have had a significant impact on the state of Minnesota and its communities but who have not been widely recognized …

Diyaarinta Saameynta: Isticmaalka Shabakadda Dib u habeyn si loo hagaajiyo isdhaafsiga, sinaanta, iyo ka mid noqoshada

Mashruucan waxaa markii hore lagu daabacay Warfaafinta Transparency, oo ah bogga 'GlassPockets' ee bogga April 11, 2019. Waxaa halkan lagu daabacay ruqsad buuxa Maktabadda McKnight waxay ku faraxsan tahay inay ka mid tahay kooxdii hore ee aasaasiga ah ee ku soo biiray dhaqdhaqaaqa GlassPockets waxayna ka faa'iideysteen qalabkeeda iyo khayraadka. Maadaama GlassPockets ay ka gudbaan xuddunta ...

Nadiifinta Shaqooyinka Midwest

Clean Jobs Midwest is an annual report based on survey data on clean energy employment in 12 Midwestern states. The Midwest’s clean energy industry employed 734,753 people in sectors including renewable energy generation, energy efficiency, advanced transportation, grid and storage, and clean fuels at the end of 2022. 2023 Clean Jobs Midwest Report Website 2023 …

Our approach

The Midwest Climate & Energy program uses its philanthropic funding to support efforts that build power through partnership, aligning climate and equity goals to advance bold action on the climate crisis. Our program takes a systems change lens, focusing on shifting the conditions that perpetuate the climate crisis, which include structural racism. We direct grantmaking …

10 tillaabo oo ururkaaga looga ilaalinayo khataraha internetka

Nonprofits face a constantly evolving set of potential threats, from data security breaches to downtime from unexpected events. Explore actionable steps any organization can take to improve cybersecurity and protect sensitive data and systems.

Webiyaasha ugu halista badan Mareykanka ee 2020

Warbixinta 'The World Endgegered Rivers®' ee Mareykanka ayaa liiskeeda sare ee Mississippi waxay ku taal liiska ugu sarreeya ee 2020 sababta oo ah hanjabaadda isku-dhafan ee isbeddelka cimilada iyo wabiyada liita iyo maareynta biyaha ayaa u horseedi doonta nabadgelyada dadweynaha webi ku teedsan. Warbixinta Mareykanka ee Khatarta ugu Weyn ee Rivers is waa mid ka mid ah warbixinada ugu caansan uguna cimri dheeraa sanadlaha ah dhaqdhaqaaqa deegaanka. Midkastoo…

Tilmaamaha Isticmaalka Tijaabada ee CCRP: Hoggaanka

Ku soo dhowoow Barnaamijka Cilmi Baarista Xoolaha ee Iskaashatada McKnight Foundation (CCRP) ee bogga macaashka ee muuqaalka. Fadlan ogsoonow: khayraadkani waxay gaar u yihiin isticmaalka Kooxda Hoggaanka CCRP waxaana kaliya oo lagu heli karaa iyada oo loo marayo URLkan gaarka ah. Sidan oo kale, fadlan ha la wadaagin ama u qaybin xidhiidhkan iyada oo aan fasax laga helin Hay'adda McKnight Foundation. Hawlgalka, Vision ...

Dhibaatada Maalgalinta Siyaasadeed

Waxaan rajeyneynaa inaad aragto heerkayaga daahfurnaanta ee ku saabsan habka aan ufarinno maalgashiga waxtarka leh. Intaa waxaa dheer, waxaan ku siinaa jawaab-celin halkan ka mid ah su'aalaha inta badan la isweydiiyo. Halkee Ayaan Ka Bilaabi Doonaa Inay Wax Ka Barato Saamaynta Maalgashiga iyo Maalgelinta Mas'uuliyadda. Halkee ayaan bilaabi karaa? Saameynta saameynta maal-gashiga bogga McKnight ayaa loogu talagalay ...

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