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U baratanka eber saafiga ah: $3 Billion Endowment wuxuu helayaa xitaa nadiifin iyo cagaar

Category:Perspective7 min read Racing to Net Zero A $3 Billion Endowment Gets Even Cleaner and Greener Electric bus manufacturer Proterra is among the McKnight Foundation's many impact investments. Video credit: Proterra By Elizabeth McGeveran, Dan Thiede This piece originally appeared in Confluence Philanthropy and is reprinted here with full permission. When Hurricane Ida ripped through …

Xeeldheerida Mawduuca Mind

Huda Zoghbi wuxuu ku sii jeeday sidii uu u noqon lahaa kalkaaliye caafimaad markii ay la kulantay carruurta qabta jirro maskaxeed oo isbedeleysa mihnadeeda - waxayna sii xoojisay fahamkeena sida maskaxdu u shaqeyso. "Dadku waxay ku noqdaan saynisyahannada dhammaan noocyada kala duwan," ayuu yiri Dr. Zoghbi, oo ku guuleystey halyeeyga hormoodka ah ...

Coliseum Dib loo Malay: Beddelka Nafta Downtown Longfellow

Dib-u-kobcinta sinnaan, bulshada-xuddun u ah ayaa nolol cusub u keenaysa Waddada East Lake. Juunteenth, 2024, Dhismaha Coliseum Historic Coliseum ee Koonfurta Minneapolis ayaa dib loo furay iyadoo leh ujeeddo cusub oo loo dhan yahay. Dib u dhiska uu Madow hogaamiyo ee Dukaankii hore ee Freeman's Department waa dhiirigelin wadajirka ah ee isgoyska lahaanshaha la wadaago iyo waaritaanka.

Jawaab celinta Grantee waxay horumarinaysaa hagaajinta

Qaab-dhismeedka Istaraatiijiyada McKnight Foundation waxay sheegaysaa in "Waxaan aaminsanahay inta badan awoodda iyo saameynta shaqadayadu ay ka timaaddo tayada xiriirkeena ee aan la leenahay dadka ugu dhaw arrimaha aan wax ka qabaneyno." Guuladayada muddada-dheer waxay kuxirantahay iskaashiga xooggan ee shanta sano ah . Markaa si aad u hesho natiijooyinka ugu fiican, waxaan had iyo jeer raadineynaa hababka ...

Ka dhigista Xaafada Ann Arbor's Bryant Meesha ugu waarta badan Ameerika

Ann Arbor, MI committed to being carbon neutral by 2030, and they started their work in the frontline Bryant neighborhood. They’re electrifying homes community-wide, reducing energy burden and increasing health while showing the nation how to scale equitable climate action.

Milicsiga laga soo bilaabo 15 sano ee safka hore ee daahfurka maskaxda

After 15 years of service, I am winding down as program manager with the McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience. My trusted McKnight colleague Joel Krogstad is stepping up to lead in this role as I depart on August 18. The McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience’s goal is to bring science closer to the day when …

Sharafta Bernadette Christiansen, saaxiibkayaga iyo saaxiibkayaga

With heavy hearts, we share the news that our beloved friend and former colleague, Bernadette Christiansen, has passed away. Bernadette was a long-serving vice president of operations at McKnight who retired in 2019 after receiving a diagnosis of advanced cancer. Bernadette, as a leader and friend, was incredibly generous, fair, trustworthy, and kind. She had …

Kate Wolford Biography

Kate Wolford is the former president of the McKnight Foundation, a Minnesota-based family foundation that seeks to improve the quality of life for present and future generations through grantmaking, collaboration, impact investing, and strategic policy reform. She stepped down from the Foundation in November 2019. Wolford joined the McKnight Foundation in 2006. During her tenure, …

Rumaystayaasha Sinnaanta Sinaanta: Kobcinta Beerta Sinnaanta

Maqaalka soo socda waxaa markii hore daabacay Keecha Harris iyo Associates, Inc., Agoosto 18, 2019. Waxaa halkan dib loogu daabacay iyadoo leh fasax buuxa. Taxanaha Sinaanta Sinaanta Midab-takoorku waa aruurinta sheekooyin, oo ay xustay Keecha Harris iyo Associates, Inc., oo ku saleysan safarka sinnaanta ee kaqeybgaleyaasha barnaamijka InDEEP iyo kuwa kale ee saameeya arrimaha samafalka. Mark Muller, agaasimaha Barnaamijka Wabiga Mississippi ee…

Dhaqdhaqaaqyada McKnight si ay u kaxeeyaan sinnaanta ee Grantmaking

This article was originally published by PEAK Grantmaking, a member-led association of philanthropy professionals leading the way in advancing equitable, effective grantmaking practices. Together, we are transforming philanthropy. Learn more at peakgrantmaking.org and follow @PEAKgrantmaking on Twitter and LinkedIn. Our communities deserve more than good intentions. And yet, across the philanthropy sector, aspirations are slow to turn into …

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