William A. Catterall, Ph.D., Jaamacadda Washington
Muhiimadda Muhiimka ah ee Neuromodulation ee Jirrada Sodium
Peter Dallos, Ph.D., Jaamacadda Northwestern
Awooda Motorska Muusikada Qodobada Qodobada
Norman Davidson, Ph.D., Machadka Teknoolajiyadda ee California
Adenovirus Dhex-dhexaadinta Dhex-dhexaadinta iyo Daraasada Sunta Synaptic
Richard H. Goodman, MD, Ph.D., Jaamacadda Caafimaadka iyo Cilmiga Oregon
Is-dhexgalka Is-beddelka Is-beddelka ee Drosophila
Eric I. Knudsen, Ph.D., Stanford University School of Medicine
Mechanisms of Learning ee Nidaamka maqalka ee Owl
Lynn T. Landmesser, Ph.D., Jaamacadda Kaydka Western Reserve
Adhesion Molecules iyo Nadiifinta Synaptic ee Naasalada
Irwin B. Levitan, Ph.D., Jaamacadda Brandeis
Association of Ion Channels with Signaling Proteins: Doorka Neuronal Plainity
Fernando Nottebohm, Ph.D., Jaamacadda Rockefeller
Caanaha go'aamiya mudada xusuusta
Joshua R. Sanes, Ph.D., Jaamacadda Washington University School of Medicine
Horumarinta Sineerka 'Cholinergic Cholinergic': Dhabarka ka yimaada Qalabka neuromuscular ee maskaxda
Brian A. Wandell, Ph.D., Stanford University School of Medicine
Waxyeelaanta Cortex Muuqaal