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向净零赛跑:$3 亿的捐赠变得更清洁、更环保

Category:Perspective7 min read Racing to Net Zero A $3 Billion Endowment Gets Even Cleaner and Greener Electric bus manufacturer Proterra is among the McKnight Foundation's many impact investments. Video credit: Proterra By Elizabeth McGeveran, Dan Thiede This piece originally appeared in Confluence Philanthropy and is reprinted here with full permission. When Hurricane Ida ripped through …


公平、以社区为中心的重建为东湖街带来了新活力。2024 年 6 月 14 日,南明尼阿波利斯的历史性体育馆大楼以新的包容性目的重新开放。由黑人主导的对前弗里曼百货公司的重建是共同所有权和可持续性交汇处的共同灵感。


Huda Zoghbi正在成为一名心脏病专家,当时她遇到患有罕见脑部疾病的孩子改变了她的职业生涯 - 并加深了我们对人类大脑如何运作的理解。 “人们因各种原因成为科学家,”着名的突破奖得主佐格比博士说。



大脑前沿发现 15 年来的反思

After 15 years of service, I am winding down as program manager with the McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience. My trusted McKnight colleague Joel Krogstad is stepping up to lead in this role as I depart on August 18. The McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience’s goal is to bring science closer to the day when …


Kate Wolford is the former president of the McKnight Foundation, a Minnesota-based family foundation that seeks to improve the quality of life for present and future generations through grantmaking, collaboration, impact investing, and strategic policy reform. She stepped down from the Foundation in November 2019. Wolford joined the McKnight Foundation in 2006. During her tenure, …


以下文章最初是由Keecha Harris and Associates,Inc.于2019年8月18日发布的。在获得完全许可的情况下,此处转载于此。种族平等真相讲述人系列是一系列故事,由Keecha Harris and Associates,Inc.策划,重点是InDEEP计划参与者和其他慈善影响者的种族平等旅程。密西西比河项目主管Mark Muller…

向我们的朋友和同事 Bernadette Christiansen 致敬

我们怀着沉重的心情分享我们挚爱的朋友和前同事 Bernadette Christiansen 去世的消息。 Bernadette 曾长期担任 McKnight 的运营副总裁,在被诊断出患有晚期癌症后于 2019 年退休。 Bernadette 作为领导者和朋友,非常慷慨、公平、值得信赖和善良。 她有……
