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中西部气候与能源计划总监Aimee Witteman辞职拟订新课程

The McKnight Foundation will say farewell to a beloved colleague at the end of July. After 10 years of extraordinary service and leadership, Aimee Witteman, program director for the Midwest Climate & Energy program, has decided to step down from her position. “Aimee has brought immense talent and skills to McKnight’s mission,” said Debby Landesman, …


2015年8月27日 - 麦克奈特基金会聘请Megan Powers担任国际项目官员,Flannery Clark担任行政助理,Grace Fredrickson担任会计助理。


根据皮尤研究中心的数据,美国有超过 2300 万移民有资格在今年的总统选举中投票。这一创纪录的高位约占全国总选民的 10%。问题是这些入籍公民中有多少人会在今年秋天投票。移民面临重大障碍……


A New Report Illustrates Equity in Action at the McKnight Foundation Ever since the McKnight Foundation released the organization’s first diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statement in 2018, our board and staff have held fast to the tenet that we need to back up our words with actions. Aspiration must transform into action because our …


The McKnight Foundation is thrilled to announce the inaugural slate of grantee organizations in its new Vibrant & Equitable Communities program. “This is a moment to celebrate—a culmination of 18 months of thoughtful planning, community input, learning, and working to infuse equity and transparency into our grantmaking at every step,” said Tonya Allen, president. “We …

McKnight任命作家Marcie Rendon 2020杰出艺术家

The McKnight Foundation is pleased to announce the selection of Marcie Rendon for its 2020 Distinguished Artist Award—a $50,000 award created to honor a Minnesota artist who has made significant contributions to the state’s cultural life. Rendon, an enrolled member of the White Earth Nation, is a writer whose poems, plays, children’s books, and novels …

麦克奈特任命戏剧艺术家 Faye M. Price 为 2021 年杰出艺术家

The McKnight Foundation is pleased to announce the selection of Faye M. Price as its 2021 Distinguished Artist, an honor that carries a $50,000 award for a Minnesota artist who has made significant contributions to the state’s cultural life. As a director, actor, dramaturg, and arts leader, Price has significantly influenced Minnesota theater by bringing …

McKnight 欢迎 Dominic McQuerry 担任项目官员

The McKnight Foundation is pleased to announce that Dominic McQuerry will join the Vibrant & Equitable Communities and Midwest Climate & Energy programs as a program officer. McQuerry is a policy and community engagement professional with a passion for supporting people’s lives and livelihoods, guiding and supporting powerful coalitions in Minnesota on housing, healthcare, child …


农村社区照亮方式Jim和LeeAnn VanDerPol及其儿子Josh去年夏天开始建设新的农场升级时,他们的邻居注意到了。 VanDerPols是明尼苏达州Kerkhoven的三代有机牛和养猪户,用于测试新的想法,并在...中引起人们的注意。
