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It’s been two years since Mr. George Floyd was murdered. Like so many Black Americans throughout history, he came to Minnesota for opportunity. Yet instead of realizing the American Dream, what unfolded was a nightmare. What happened to Mr. Floyd is not an anomaly. His story depicts the insidious nature of racism—how it shows up …


If you ask climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe, climate change isn’t just a problem for polar bears or future generations anymore—it’s affecting us all, here and now. Not only that, but the choices we make today will have a profound impact on our future—and we all have a role to play. Luckily, she says, we don't …


Huda Zoghbi正在成为一名心脏病专家,当时她遇到患有罕见脑部疾病的孩子改变了她的职业生涯 - 并加深了我们对人类大脑如何运作的理解。 “人们因各种原因成为科学家,”着名的突破奖得主佐格比博士说。


刚刚从高中毕业后,杰伊佩特尔在西弗吉尼亚州农村的家附近找到了一份旧铁路车厂的工作。 “我们正在堆积所有这些木材,”Petre回忆道。 “这家伙过来说,'我可以买吗?'我最终获得了额外的10,000美元,我知道我是......


农村社区照亮方式Jim和LeeAnn VanDerPol及其儿子Josh去年夏天开始建设新的农场升级时,他们的邻居注意到了。 VanDerPols是明尼苏达州Kerkhoven的三代有机牛和养猪户,用于测试新的想法,并在...中引起人们的注意。

麦克奈特基金会如何投资其 $3 亿捐赠基金来应对气候变化

这篇采访最初出现在《慈善纪事》中,经完全许可在此转载。在本周在格拉斯哥举行的全球气候峰会之前,福特基金会和麦克阿瑟基金会各自宣布,他们将开始从其捐赠基金中移除化石燃料投资,加入全球近 1,500 个组织的行列,这些组织也......


致社区的公开信在新的一年开始之际,我们很高兴与您分享McKnight Foundation的新战略框架2019-2021。去年11月,我们的董事会一致批准了该文件。鉴于当今社会和地球的挑战,它反映了我们共同的紧迫感。它也反映了......

重新定义 McKnight 以更大胆地推进我们的使命

Reflecting on My First Year at the Foundation This March, I marked a year of service at the McKnight Foundation. I came to the Foundation at a specific moment in time—an urgent moment. It was the middle of a pandemic, on the cusp of the George Floyd murder trial, six weeks before the senseless murder …
